Don't complete that sentence. I have had a great week, (knocking on wood) filled with kid's activities and painting stuff. This was the Children's Advocacy Center Art Camp week, and as the first to do the roundup, comic book art was on the agenda. I think for the most part they Got it! I would have been happy to share my intimate knowledge of the lives of superheroes all day, but trying to get them to contain stories into 3 separate rectangles was the deed of the day. My theory was : panel 1 contains something that has Happened.
panel 2 contains hmm, should I tell someone about it?
panel 3 contains I am telling someone.
Well, getting the darlings to conceive of a happening was tricky. Miss Jennifer, the therapist, had been discussing when it is a good time to trust your instinct (in not so many words) and go to a person of trust. She referred to good secrets (surprise parties) and bad secrets (bullying) as examples. Still in a quandary to think of an example, I said "What if a ufo landed next door. Would you want to tell someone about it or would you keep it a secret?" Obviously there is a rash of abductions going on around here because everybody had a story! It was so funny, and so amazing to see their wheels turning. Creative, spontaneous, shy, stuff. I am humbled by them. And grateful to have had Lynne and Evie standing by to pitch in where needed.
Lynne's day was yesterday. Awesome! A natural at getting their attention (which is half the battle) and a great organized presentation. We all had fun with her project. It is a cryin' shame that art has been eliminated from some schools here. The arts community has offered to present some options in the past, but nothing solid has come of it. Yet.
Weeki Wachee will be hanging my latest piece, an acrylic painting, called "Backstage Pass." It will go in the banquet room, thank you very much! and I am so honored and pleased and Thrilled to be in the park. Oh yeah, and ARTIST IN REZ! Yep. good week.
To top off the celebration, Rhonda and I ate a ton of candy at the premiere of Harry Potter this afternoon. We have more in common every day... Love of all things Harry, being one of them, and this one was too short for me...I think I would like to re-edit the film, personally, since there was less dialogue than I would have liked. but the effects were interesting and the casting of the Tom Riddles was perfect. November 2010 for the next one is way too long.
Life is good....still the luckiest person on Earth!