My Spoonflower Fabrics!

Monday, November 24, 2008

New Friends, New Hole

Okay, so that doesn't sound quite right but I am feeling so proud that the dogs have bonded over their new, uh digs.

I started on some new holiday card things.  not that I have been known for sending many...I just like the size and am reminded of my hero, Daryl Howard, who still sends cards even though it has been a long time since we bought any art from her.... or anyone else.  I can see how many artists must conserve their powers and identities (and wallets) from creditors.  But I still think we need art , that it is not a luxury.  It is a language that speaks to our senses in many ways.  We can  all be bilingual when it comes to art.  And maybe dogs.  Open up!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Why Dogs Rule

A family portrait of the Happy Wanderers and their  wolfy children...I think the dogs chose well.  Three dogs chose Sky (the handsome Dog Man in the pic) and his brother Chris at the shelter in Brandon, FL  15 or so years ago.  We had to get special permission from Mrs. Snow, the superintendent there at the time, because the normal limit was 2 pets adopted at a time.  The boys wrote a plea bargain ( something to do with walking, feeding, and cleaning as well as loving like crazy) and in the end everybody was happy.  Long great lives for 3 great dogs.  This generation  will carry that tradition... and a plastic bag....So why do dogs rule?  Because we let them.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Legion of SuperGirls

We are Super and we are legion!  It isn't always easy to know what powers you or your  sisters will have.  One must pay close attention until they are revealed.  For instance, my big sister, Leni, hid her power under her Cher disguise for many years.  We all thought she had many Cher qualities--shiny dark hair, great humor,kick ass attitude and  spontaneous singing-- then we realized that she just might be channelling Cher!  Why, they are sometimes undistinguishable! (except that Leni wears only silver, has curly hair, her name starts with "L" and she has never been married to anyone named Sonny....  I digress. That's me, Wonderful Girl, with the  tiara and cuffs,  I still wear cuffs.  Dolphin Baby, who senses danger in this super secret photo, grew up to be  Dolphin Woman, and a cheerleader for all times and all people.  Note the pom-poms.  She is secretly my little sis, Cory, and her power is her VERY LOUD personality.  Our leader (when we aren't having a posedown) is Stefi,  Super Boy/girl.  Do the math.  Her power is knowing all the camp songs and fooling everybody all the time.

I am watching my daughter in law, Laura, very closely.  Her powers have been emerging in a sneaky yet stealthy way.  I think she is secretly Techno Girl.  After all, she did show me how to blog.....

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Fountain of Youth

Once upon a time there was a Spanish explorer named Juan Ponce De Leon.  History books tell us that he discovered Florida while searching for the Fountain of Youth...that he never found it and was fatally wounded not too far from Mer-ville.  I have always been fascinated by Florida's past and I am certain there is more to this legend than we truly know.  So on this blog I will spin my own tail,uh,tale about what really happened on that last boat ride around the western coast of you-know-where. And trust me, it's not what you think!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Thursday, November 13, 2008