I am so happy because I get to be with my sisters this weekend. We could be meeting under happier circumstances, but just being together lifts the occasion. How wonderful it is to be with them, to get high just from eating together! Dad and Myrna complete the picture of this particular circle...one day I would love to have a huge reunion with a gazillion Adler sisters and kids. The Eagles (meaning Adlers) have landed.
After several hours wrangling with Apple, I am getting a live technician in my actual office/studio to fix my Mac. I am so relieved . He is bringing a new optical drive thingy and some other goodies to fix this machine. Saves me a lot of grief, and I may just record the visit for posterity.
Bandit's lesions are back again on her nose. More meds and we will keep an eye on her. So far she seems comfortable, but I know she may not be. Seven years old and still awesome. She actually got under the bed yesterday when it rained....
PAY ATTENTION. According to Spaceweather.com, the magnetic flux stuff is higher so I am predicting even more earthquake disturbances for the upper and mid latitudes. Say 4-5 on the Richter scale. And there will be a Near Earth Object flyby on June 28th, the closest. Don't ask me how I get this stuff. It's what I do.
Birds will fly backwards, whales will beach themselves...oh wait. That's a movie.