My Spoonflower Fabrics!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Like We Never Left

I am so happy because I get to be with my sisters this weekend.  We could be meeting under happier circumstances, but just being together lifts the occasion.  How wonderful it is to be with them, to get high just from eating together!  Dad and Myrna complete the picture of this particular day I would love to have a huge reunion with a gazillion Adler sisters and kids.  The Eagles (meaning Adlers) have landed.

After several hours wrangling with Apple, I am getting a live technician in my actual office/studio to fix my Mac.  I am so relieved .  He is bringing a new optical drive thingy and some other goodies to fix this machine.  Saves me a lot of grief, and I may just record the visit for posterity.

Bandit's lesions are back again on her nose.  More meds and we will keep an eye on her.  So far she seems comfortable, but I know she may not be.  Seven years old and still awesome.  She actually got under the bed yesterday when it rained....

PAY ATTENTION.  According to, the magnetic flux stuff is higher so I am predicting even more earthquake disturbances for the upper and mid latitudes.  Say 4-5 on the Richter scale.  And there will be a Near Earth Object flyby on June 28th, the closest.  Don't ask me how I get this stuff.  It's what I do.

Birds will fly backwards, whales will beach themselves...oh wait. That's a movie.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Make it a Memorial Day

My friends,

Bear with me as I reflect on Memorial Day...It has always been a significant holiday for me.  Long before I connected with my Dad's role in the service, I was a peace activist.  I also had a mind open enough to see the commitment to our way of life behind whatever policies were being enforced at the time.  I've read many books about troubled times, and am part of the generation that fought in Viet Nam and came back hurt, confused and unappreciated. 

 "The Lord of the Rings"trilogy gave me  a different perspective on war .    Tolkien himself had seen so much of battle that returning to academics was always tinged by his experience.  To live a life without appreciating sacrifice was not fathomable to him and was played out in his writing.  For me, the key to the story was at the end, when Frodo returned to the Shire.  It had been overrun by "Sharkey's" bullying gang; his family was thrown out of their homes, the Shire had been burned, ransacked, and politically compromised by outsiders with a terrorist agenda.  And amidst all these concerns, the total environment that had been so long protected and taken for granted was polluted and laid waste.  Enter Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippen, who had given so much to protect their way of life.  The cost was dear, and the homecoming bleak.  Sacrifice by these seasoned warriors seemed almost pointless.  

I believe with all my heart that for war and sacrifice to have meaning, we must live the best lives we can.  That does not mean the richest, most extravagant life, but the most meaningful.  We owe our military members at least that much.  My favorite movie is "The Best Years of Our Lives", because it deals with the aftermath of war.  Even as the heroes were appreciated, the effort at home to give them opportunities lagged, and the transition was not easy.  Today is no different.  My sons in uniform face difficult choices every day, and just the thought of a possible lack of employment makes the decision to leave the service a tough one to make.

So today and everyday I will remember to make a good life, as they and so many others have made that possible.  And to my future grandchildren I say "Keep on Keepin' On."  


Friday, May 22, 2009

Will Art Flow Downhill or Float?

An interesting week.  The art thing later.

Dad is out of the hospital and on his way down with the lovely Myrnita, can't wait to see them!

Leni made it through her day at the doc's and I think the nail marks on my hand are almost gone.  She is such a trouper, so brave, so lightheaded yet down to earth.  Makes even moi in awe of her example ( and I have enough ego for at least 3 of us!)  So far no word, but then no news may be good news.  Here's hopin'

Chris Jr, Marine extraordinaire, is planning to get his degree in Homeland Security stuff.  I will sleep better just knowing he is out there.  Sky is planning his next hand...Laura is taking a quiz.  Such busy bees, everything they build is honey to me.

The weather leaves big Chris uncomfortable but still, it is cozy when it rains and Stevie Ray is on the T.  The wolfpack is getting antsy to run on drier grass and I am getting tired of slipping on wet poop.  Ahem.  But I have a full rainbarrel and baby peppers growing by the front door.

On Art.  Went to the meeting at Weeki to form a Citizens Support Organization.  The mural thing is on hold (at least at the theater) but the powers that be assure me that there will be opportunities elsewhere.  So I will continue to paint park stuff in readiness and anticipation of that assignment.  I got to see Barb and Vicki and Fawn Germer, a wonderful author of fiction and non fiction, already endeared to me with her novel"Mermaid Mambo" and now knowing that her Mustang Sallies intro is the Commitments singing Mustang Sally, one of my alltime favorite songs.  Vicki, Barb, Fawn, and John all viewed my Vicki painting and I was thrilled to see their reactions.  A good day!  I heard from my soul sisters Evie and Lynne with lots of encouragement and great friendship.  What more can I ask for?  And also

Julia Royal, my Circuit City twin sister, asked me to paint a dragon on her jeans that she plans on wearing to a hair competition in Orlando.  She has worked so hard since I have known her, in fact, to live her dream of doing hair and making a good life for her family!  Of course I said yes, and the evidence is this picture.  It is supposed to be a lucky dragon, but then, she already has the skills and heart to make her mark at the show.  Good Luck, my friend!

My Cory, my Stefi, my Leni, Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Sulu, Uhura...yep.  A good week to have made it this far.  Live long and prosper!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Henny Penny

Okay, two pages of notes later on "LOST" and still going.  I love challenges! Speaking of challenges, I worked with acrylic paints this week on a mermaid painting.  It's all coming back to me now.  It's been a big day.  Dad is in the hospital (fine, will be out shortly) Checking on Leni up in G-ville, sold a print on Fine Art America, had mulch delivered, and still can't wake up.

So. The sky is falling.  Now why would NASA be making such a fuss about having standby shuttles available.  Like there have never been dangerous manuvers before.  And the Hubble pix.  So if they see the Eye of God out a bazillion lightyears away, how come we can't find Bin Laden  and those license plates on Mars....

I have a new Corn Mother painting coming out soon as I get a big something to put it on.   and new bee stuff.

Eating lots of dried beans, Mexican and Indian style.  I feel good! and Mexican chocolate with cinnamon.  ooooooooohhhhhhhhh.

Laura got a scholarship--I am a very proud mom in law. Lucky lucky me

"Lucky lucky lucky lucky"  Ripley in " Alien"

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What Are We Looking For?

Just got back from G-ville.  I visited Leni, the hardest working person I know.  She looked great, sassy as ever, a bit tired, and working life out on her terms.  It's always good to spend time with her--she is warm and funny and focused on what is in front of her, step by step.

I am all over the place in my head.  It isn't multi-tasking, it's more like pick-up sticks.  You know, balance here, and the other one falls.  And connecting the dots at the same time.  Cory says she is wondering where Stefi went.  Slipping through the cracks of life Stef goes, barely caught by a memory or a task not quite finished.  With only a shred of her left, we keep trying to reconstruct her therapy by therapy, pill by pill, person by person.  It is a known fact that Adler Sisters require mirrors or store windows to see themselves, just to be sure what face they wear that day.  I fear Stefi's mirror has failed her again, and as she wanders by the store fronts she forgets to see herself.

I may never get the hang of this planet.  

On the mural thing;  things are on hold til I speak with the state guys.  I am spring loading my guns (a pun) and working on a strategy. and painting.  The main thing I like to get  across when I do a painting with water in it is to make me thirsty. It can be all overwhelming to think about so I am trying to focus on my vision and techniques.  Dharma Trading requested more pix or bio for their website, and that is a great place to start defining where I am today in batik, and out of batik.  Glad to have the opportunity to show there.

And all the new archaeological finds in Egypt!?!  Are these collateral findings, or is there a race to find something else going on?

Predictions for this summer:

8 hurricanes--4 major, 3 hit FL, not Weeki, though.  Look out Texas and the Carolinas.
Harry Potter will exceed every standard set so far
Sunspot -watching will become almost as popular as weather forecasts
Miracle -Gro will go up in value
A major and very old secret from many governments will be revealed, as hackers scratch some very odd surfaces.
Ancient burial sites from around the world will be opened.
I will get my last tan.