My Spoonflower Fabrics!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Of High Flyers and Clouds

It is well within the '09 Hurricane season and I am longing to be a stormchaser. Longing, I tell you! I have the attention span of a doorstop.

We watched the long-delayed Space Shuttle launch last night in the middle of the street, wearing our pajamas (such as they were) and I was so happy to see a clear night. The shuttle was a small burning gash above the tall pines across the street. People were carelessly driving by, unaware (despite my motioning skyward) that history was blinking at us. It actually was a beautiful sight--the separation of booster and shuttle was clearly visible--finally winking out after a "go go go!" prayer. There won't be many more opportunities ...

I remember the first shuttle landing so well. Chris was training as an Air Force Pilot at Laughlin AFB in Del Rio, Tx. I was in our apartment in town watching the tv by myself, when I heard the mailman out in the hallway stuffing the boxes. The shuttle was starting a descent, shadowed by T-38s (which Chris would later instruct in) and I didn't want to spend the big moment alone. I ran out to get the mailman and told him he HAD to come and see this and he ran back with me moments before it landed. I think I was holding my breath the whole time. It was a beautiful sigh of relief and wonder. The mailman stood, shook my hand, and thanked me for making him come watch. What a world. I am still starry-eyed.

And speaking of High Flyers, here is a tour-de-force ( so happy to use that phrase in a sentence!) by the amazing Grace Slick and the Jefferson Airplane. Keep asking questions, my friends, and Feed Your You Know What!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Saving My Nuts!

Back from the abyss. Time to take stock of what I have accumulated and look for some new goals. Renewing my adherence to the principles of reduce, reuse, recycle, I promise to get my self back on the Path. Don't we all feel like this little guy from time to time? Since I have been resting and have a license to take it easy, there is a new priority of how busy I need to be. I can just say no as well as anyone else. And it gives me more time for my investigations!

Note to M. Obama: Establish a group to work on the New American Renaissance, which will encourage artists and industry to work hand in hand in creating useful, well-made, form following function, practical, products that will stand the test of time and not be considered disposable, as so much out at the big box stores is. And make it here! from American resources! By American Hands! In a new craftmanship that will rival the early Craftman's/Frank LLoyd Wright movement. Breathe. Discuss.

Just finished Dolores Stewart Riccio's "Divine Circle of Ladies Playing with Fire." Yummy. It's a series, start from the beginning!

Much anticipated movies to come for Moi:

District 9
The Fourth Kind
Johnny Depp as Tonto in The Lone Ranger
HP and the You Know What
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell
Childhood's End
Rendezvous With Rama.......
kinda itchy to start something....

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Rainy Roads

Sitting in the car listening to the slap and dash of the window wipers, I was tempted to roll down the windows and inhale that hot wet pavement aroma so typical in the Florida summers. Traffic was moving in it's usual uneven rhythm when I became aware that the song in my head matched the beat of the wipers. Then it seemed as if there was a pattern to the dance, all in the sweep of Miss Whitney Houston's voice. Not being much of a multi-tasker, it was everything I could do to find the volume button on the radio and try to read the station numbers. She soared and swung and the dashboard would have filled with fireworks if it was possible.

I was in the moment with her, and then it became the moment you have when a great song is on the radio and you need to turn the key in the ignition to off. So upon arriving home, I looked up Miss Diva and imported her so that I would never lose that song again. Here is a version she did at an awards ceremony in Africa. She just owns the room.

Just got my personally designed Keds from Zazzle this week, and am I happy over the way they turned out! Mermaids will be on my next design, since I also have a Bee version out there. I am impressed with the amazing variety of things you can print on! All suggestions welcome.

Tonight I will start reading Dolores Stewart Riccio's latest Circle book, and hopefully finish Frank Scully's classic "Behind the Flying Saucers". Scully wrote it in 1950, and tho it has been attacked as a hoax and debunkers have a field day with it, it remains as fresh today as when it came out. Surely Scully's name was borrowed for the X-files....

Do I sound ridiculously upbeat? Or is it true that my balloon never day I will wake up buried from the neck down on a beach filled with crabs and the tide coming in...this lovely life of mine being but a dream. But in the meantime, life is beautiful, except when it's not....

Look to the Skies!