My Spoonflower Fabrics!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Why Not?

Got my hair cut really short, as in really short.  I had the date targeted and the hairdresser.  This was going to happen no matter what.  Can't really explain why I do things this way, this shout at the mirror.  But I shook myself up a bit with it, like shedding my winter skin a little early, and now I feel ready for work.

The mural is coming along, some drama, lots of laughing--humming the "Mr. Clean "commercial while I tidy up stuff.  I don't know if I am cut out for leading anything, but at least no one has been maimed or killed, the water supply is intact, and we don't have to wear masks (for the time being.)  I am planning to have an exit kind of interview with the group to figure out a better way.   Chris is a great source of management skills from his cockpit days, and is as diplomatic with me as I hope I can be with everyone.  

And speaking of Peeps, the new Peep colors are here!! Time to work on some fluffy pink and yellow and green and purple creations.  I have wanted to do some dioramas with some kind of theatrical tribute, if you will.  Say, Casablanca with bunnies.  Or maybe a good variation of The Day the Earth Stood Still --take that! Keanu.  Gort will be a little tricky.   Maybe I should do something from Broadway, like Death of a Salesman, or Wicked.  Hmmmmm.  Bunnies or Peeps.  The egg shaped stuff is so versatile...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Somebody Entertain Me I am So Bored!

Note Supergirl's flying horse, Comet.  He is under the spell of Circe, who has turned him alternately into a horse, a man, and a centaur. Girl, Make up your mind already!

What do I have to say today.  Not much.  Tired.  Kinda happy. Kinda thinkin' that something is coming our way, something we haven't analyzed, debated, explored, expected ,invented--just plain unknown.  Waiting.  Maybe it has to do with all the 2012 stuff, maybe it has to do with the Oscars, and how easily I suspend my disbelief.  Just tell me that we are able to survive into the 22 century by putting sugar in our tanks and I will believe.  I want to believe.  Just like Fox Mulder. Note that the long awaited X-Files movie was not nominated for anything .  It sucked!  That much I know.

These days I am coordinating a mural group from the art league in an effort to bring some soothing features  to a children's advocacy center.  Above is a before/after pic of the main lobby.   Our group has a variety of backgrounds and talents.  Bringing everyone together so that we are on the same page has been bit of a challenge--me , taking the lead?  Not so much, but I think maybe more of the go to girl here.  It is fun to work with other artists for a common goal, and I am learning from each one. 

OK.  Am I getting boring here?  Feels like it to me.  But having things calm and uneventful might be a good thing.  After all, the you know what will probably hit the fan when that green backwards flying comet thing goes by.  I swear, it's kryptonite.  Look to the skies!


Monday, February 16, 2009

Keeping an Open Mind

On the left here is my good buddy Aquarius, the Water Bearer.  He looks a little Mayan because is is saying A Mayan Aquarious on the title and I say of course you are, and by the way, is that water coming out of that jug or something stronger?.....

It is getting so hard to keep an open mind.  Some things fall out, others drop in.  I like to think that there is room for everything.  Tonight's art league meeting was filled with interesting people.  My friend Masao and Nettie are so bright, like they use their brains at optimum capacity or something, full of ideas and observations.  I like working at less capacity--always leave room for dessert! 

Wish there was more time to yak with my Art Buddies.  So much happy in that room!  We need a margarita afternoon just for fun.  I think it's time we rent some canoes and spend a lazy afternoon down the Weeki Wachee river...

I saw a promotional add for a movie coming later this year called 2012.  It is a huge end-of-the world based on various prophesies type blockbuster a la Independence Day and The Day After Tomorrow.  There is a promo website -- called www. institute for human (all one word, the posting thing keeps kicking it out) with some really big scenarios , kinda like a Lost fansite where there are real-looking clues and references to fake organizations and strategies.  Made me wonder about who could survive say, a planet- killing solar flare, planetary impact, or super volcano.  Certainly, multitaskers need not apply (pretty sure the cell phones wouldn't work).  I am thinking the job would be better suited for singularly survival minded types.  Food, Water, Shelter. But it may be hard to find any of those things if you are, say, suddenly in an arctic situation or underwater. 

 So what is more likelier to cause panic--  Knowing the earth will be destroyed or that Aliens have infiltrated our government?  Either way, somebody's gonna make a buck.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

How I Spend My Valentine's Day

Self Amused as I am, Valentine's Day is mostly in my head.  Having suffered through the exchange of those elementary school valentines (or lack of the right one) we all should just accept the fact that Love Is All Around Us and let the feeling go.  wherever, however, whoever.

Today, my friends, let's look at how we arrive at our Zen Space.  Some times I go shopping in a really big store or mall just so I can space out.  the walking is good, I put my mind on automatic, and hum to myself as I peruse the displays.  what I am really doing is organizing my life.  I am thinking about how something will fit into my home, my refrigerator, my life.  How will others use it or see it.  Who will need it, break it, want it, dispose of I really have to get it? Could I throw out the one I have just like it that I never use?  The list goes on.

And it is the same with cleaning.  Working in my bathroom or closet is almost a treat.  It is fashion show, makeup counter, legos, puzzles, romance, regret, nostalgia and a reminder that I will feel better if my day isn't cluttered as much as my countertop and shoe rack.  I am not a glam girl, but I tend to collect things that pile up so I feel like I have taken my shot at beauty without the commitment.  I sit on the floor , scraping my shower walls and reviewing the last mural meeting or Lost or figuring out where my tax papers are.  It works and lo and behold, I can see a clean room.

It's Valentine's Day.  For your viewing pleasure, Billy Mack sings from Love, Actually.

Reminds me of an episode of The Wonder Years.  Kevin's mom had lost a bunch of receipts his dad used for his job and it was time to do their taxes.  Kevin was afraid that his parents would get into a big  argument because it was really important and his dad was already frustrated.  Expecting a fight, he watched secretly to find them sitting on the floor and laughing about  old times that lead to recreating his expenses.  How  relationships are stronger than paperwork, and that exercising our memories makes us richer is what I remember from that show.  Wish they would do a reunion  of that one!


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Country Roads, Take Me Home

Well, I must first address Corn Woman overhead.  She is still looking out for me but she has a secret.  Note the bright colorful garments, the main colors, the definition of face?  Now reflect on my love for comic books, and the  bold choices of color and background they feature.....hmmmmm........ Coinkydink?  I think not.

Went to Chinsegut Hill today.  It is the USF property north of Brooksville that I have heard of since going to USF in the 70s.  Why I waited so long is beyond me.   

It was a lovely drive, really old Florida,

  And happily, it was also a place to connect with friends old and new.  I was so hoping to meet Mabel, a friend of a friend (Liz) who was there for the Black History Month presentation.  Liz and I met at the "Outlet Mall" where she had a business as a seamstress and selling various health and beauty products.  She is an absolutely wonderful artist--I have a skirt she designed and made from blue jeans.   She worked seashells and portraits, maybe a little ju-ju in as well.  Her booth had baskets made from paper, long dresses and shirts out of bright African prints, and even some garments out of different fabrics I would bring by.  With an eye for detail and color she expressed so much with a needle!  Reminds me of my mom, Grace Bloomfield.  No, my Grace Bloomfield.  We spent our time together talking about art, kids, husbands, dreaming, intuitive things.  I lost touch with her a while back, but the last thing she mentioned to me was getting me together with Mabel, because I need  to do some research on the local history and Mabel was the maven.

So Today I met the maven, Mabel.  We spoke of our mutual friend,Liz, and I realized how much time had passed,  how I lost that string of connectivity with her and hopefully, a way to inch it back.  Hats off to you, Mabel, for keeping the light in the window! and to Liz, my heart is with you.  

Lynn and Mary Alice and I strolled around the grounds.  They pointed out the interesting spots and there were many.  I wish I had more time... but now it is not far away.  And I'll be back to watch the sun rise in the treehouse....

On another note,  I received an equestrian jacket from my mer buddy Marla, who is a horsewoman extrordinaire.  Now I can pretend to be horse as well as fish girl.  Never one to pass an opportunity to try something new! We found that the old "colorforms" vinyl stickon thingys are hot on ebay.  go figure.  I am going to make a bumper sticker that says " AMAZONS OF THE DEEP"   just cause it sounds waaaaaaaaaay cool.  and because somebody ripped of my "my sons is a marine" sticker.  FEAR ME!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Supergirl and Lois

Thanks to Rocket Boy here, I have been made aware of past imperfections in my costuming skills.  The jets were awesome but Sky lacked an insignia on his chest.  Those were actually training rockets, only good for about half a bound.  And look at him now!

My two close personal friends, Supergirl and Lois Lane beckoned me back through time to the Ebay comic book section recently.  I heard them with my special powers and brought them to life through high-frequency concentration and paypal.  We chatted about the usual--men, supermen, mermaids (that's Lori Lemaris to the uninformed) and now, animals.  Of course, Superboy had Krypto, who amazingly looks like my darling Denali. But without the  supermotivation.  Although she used to lounge in a Big Way.  But here it is.  Supergirl has this horse that she has been having a lot of dreams about and has named him Comet.  Seems they are telepathic and she likes to straddle him in Space...That girl needs to lay off the super birth control pills and get a patch.  Maybe it will even out her hormones.  Why? because that horse is actually secretly an ALIEN!   You are right, Lynne, a margarita--a Super sized margarita, is in order here.  Now I have to see if I can find the next issue 'caus she as some Super 'Splainin' to do, Ricky! ..issue..

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Skin Deep

Add VideoBig Night at Ruth Eckerd Hall this past Thursday.  Buddy Guy and BB King.  We had a car service so driving at 1 AM would not be a problem.  Actually, that made a real difference in making this thing happen.  so we are deposited at the theater, take our drinks to our fabulous seats, and just watch everything unfold.  There were 2 sets of roadies, 2 back up bands (Excellent!) and other than that, no set background.  Just amazing music.  I can't say that I am a true blues fan like my husband, Chris, but I can say that those were the most rocking 3 1/2 hours I have spent in years.  And Buddy was singing and winking right at me and we are going to be married.  Chris says he will give me away....he took this pic of BB.  I just love it.  Buddy's latest CD is Skin Deep.  He sang the title song at the concert, about how we are all the same under the skin.  Very few dry eyes after that.  What a Guy!

The art plan for this week involves working on a mural with Spring Hill Art League peeps. It is a diverse group and I know it will be a project of the heart.  My own plans will include printing out some stuff for an upcoming show at Spirit of the Hand and preparing for the Mermaid calendar stuff.

This season has left me wiped out.  It is probably a combination of dogs and pollens...I sneeze all the time and my eyes and throat itch.  I never believed much in allergies til I had 'em!

Lots of reflection this birthday week.  Cory and Lyn helped a pet shelter in my name.  I love that!  My Thursday buddies waved us on to our date with BB, standing in the cold driveway as the limo pulled away.  They really knew what the night meant to me.  My buddy Lynne is like a little sis to me.  Such a gift in herself! And presents!  I skyped with Sky, Laura, and CJ.  How I love this tech stuff!  my heart would break otherwise.  and darling Chris got me this turntable thing so I could transfer vinyl to Itunes.  The first thing I recorded was music from Me, Natalie, by Rod Mckuen.  Yeah, Rod Mckuen.  I said my taste in music was eclectic.

Should Jack really trust Tony?  Is Daniel Faraday the son of Desmond and Penny?  Was it really a good idea for Admiral Adama to shoot Gaeta and Tom? hmmm.  at least Phillip will be back on GL.

and speaking of eclectic, an amazing video of a duet between Luciano Pavarotti and James Brown!

Life Is Good!