My Spoonflower Fabrics!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Why Not?

Got my hair cut really short, as in really short.  I had the date targeted and the hairdresser.  This was going to happen no matter what.  Can't really explain why I do things this way, this shout at the mirror.  But I shook myself up a bit with it, like shedding my winter skin a little early, and now I feel ready for work.

The mural is coming along, some drama, lots of laughing--humming the "Mr. Clean "commercial while I tidy up stuff.  I don't know if I am cut out for leading anything, but at least no one has been maimed or killed, the water supply is intact, and we don't have to wear masks (for the time being.)  I am planning to have an exit kind of interview with the group to figure out a better way.   Chris is a great source of management skills from his cockpit days, and is as diplomatic with me as I hope I can be with everyone.  

And speaking of Peeps, the new Peep colors are here!! Time to work on some fluffy pink and yellow and green and purple creations.  I have wanted to do some dioramas with some kind of theatrical tribute, if you will.  Say, Casablanca with bunnies.  Or maybe a good variation of The Day the Earth Stood Still --take that! Keanu.  Gort will be a little tricky.   Maybe I should do something from Broadway, like Death of a Salesman, or Wicked.  Hmmmmm.  Bunnies or Peeps.  The egg shaped stuff is so versatile...


flamebutterfly13 said...

saw this and thought of you :-)

L'Artiste said...

Diplomacy is overrated...
now, Mr. Clean...well, he's a different story!
Mr. Clean, Mr. Clean...
Just thinking about that shiny head of his...ooohhhh. Makes me want to one stroke. HEHE! You are a great leader and don't let anyone tell you differently.I think it's time for margs again. Pierre made some amazing martinis last night...only really needed one. Kept pouring mine out into other glasses...that'll probably make the news;) Time for a mural toast!