Sitting in the car listening to the slap and dash of the window wipers, I was tempted to roll down the windows and inhale that hot wet pavement aroma so typical in the Florida summers. Traffic was moving in it's usual uneven rhythm when I became aware that the song in my head matched the beat of the wipers. Then it seemed as if there was a pattern to the dance, all in the sweep of Miss Whitney Houston's voice. Not being much of a multi-tasker, it was everything I could do to find the volume button on the radio and try to read the station numbers. She soared and swung and the dashboard would have filled with fireworks if it was possible.
I was in the moment with her, and then it became the moment you have when a great song is on the radio and you need to turn the key in the ignition to off. So upon arriving home, I looked up Miss Diva and imported her so that I would never lose that song again. Here is a version she did at an awards ceremony in Africa. She just owns the room.
Just got my personally designed Keds from Zazzle this week, and am I happy over the way they turned out! Mermaids will be on my next design, since I also have a Bee version out there. I am impressed with the amazing variety of things you can print on! All suggestions welcome.
Tonight I will start reading Dolores Stewart Riccio's latest Circle book, and hopefully finish Frank Scully's classic "Behind the Flying Saucers". Scully wrote it in 1950, and tho it has been attacked as a hoax and debunkers have a field day with it, it remains as fresh today as when it came out. Surely Scully's name was borrowed for the X-files....
Do I sound ridiculously upbeat? Or is it true that my balloon never lands...one day I will wake up buried from the neck down on a beach filled with crabs and the tide coming in...this lovely life of mine being but a dream. But in the meantime, life is beautiful, except when it's not....
Look to the Skies!
I just wanted to reiterate how awesome those shoes are!
I wish zazzle had mens shoes...
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